15 min mini-TTouch session
Last week I was asked to help a friend stop his dog pulling on the lead. I walked down to his house with kit bag in tow and was met with a fabulous gentlemen and his very excited, but well mannered springer spaniel.
I showed this gentlemen a very simple way of holding a long lead from his original collar, around the dog’s chest, back up to the handler.
All tension was taken off the collar and the only points of contact were on the dog’s chest.
Instantly the dog did not pull away, but calmly walked alongside his owner for the first time on a lead ever. This is not magic, but just working with the knowledge that dogs can’t pull if there is nothing to pull against, and offering a different way to be in balance.
A TTouch session would normally have been an hour, but in just 15 mins, showing one simple exercise, the gentleman had a dog that could be walked, taking more interest and focus on him, and not dragging him across busy roads and the fields.
Hurrah for TTouch
Contact me if you would like to be shown the mighty balance leash. its not a miracle, its not expensive, and it works. What could be better. ?!