Feedback from TTouch workshop (July 2016)
“The thundershirt has arrived and he has had it on for a short time to get used to it.
Tried the ear touches before flyball and were a great help.
So pleased I signed up for your workshop.”
“Caroline was really clear with her explanations and very understanding with my dog… I enjoyed the lead walking and Body Wraps” – July 2016
“..(The workshop) helped with ideas for my dogs stress and problems… There were opportunity for clarification after each topic was introduced”
“Nice to have an excellent venue and the opportunity to work inside and outside… Really enjoyed the day”
” (The workshop covered) Harness work, line work, different touches, lead work. I enjoyed the proprioception exercises and working on calm lead and harness…”
“Well presented and explained and demonstrated”
” (I particularly enjoyed)… Groundwork and interrupting my dog’s barking with Touches.